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Mission & Values

Our Company

The Seabourn Culture Framework

Our culture framework supports Carnival Corporation & plc’s highest responsibility and top priorities to operate safely, to protect the environment and be in compliance everywhere.

Seabourn Core Values

Uncompromising Commitment to Safety and Sustainability
We care for the safety and well-being of people and the planet. Compliance with all applicable standards is vital to preserving and protecting our guests, our employees and the environment.

Committed to Service Excellence
Striving for and achieving excellence in all aspects of company operations is a key ingredient of our culture and our success.

Integrity, Honesty and Ethics
We not only do things right, we do the right things. We treat each other openly and honestly and speak up when something does not seem right.

Team Together, Team Apart
With employees located throughout the world, we are committed to working together and sharing a common goal and vision. The ways in which we trust and care for each other set us apart from our competition.

Embrace Change and Improvement
We learn and evolve in order to be the best.

Maintain Optimism and Perspective
We strive to recognize the valuable contribution and full potential of each employee. We embrace diversity and make every effort to strike a positive and healthy balance between personal life and professional goals.

Focus on Performance and Results
A foundation of our success always has been and continues to be a focus on performance and results.

Codes Of Conduct And Ethics