Seabourn Conversations, Featured Speaker
Geologist Phil Creaser worked on many environmental and heritage issues in his career which included World Heritage policy issues on sites such as the Great Barrier Reef and Uluru, the preservation of Old Parliament House in Canberra and a secondment to the Australian Museum in Sydney.
He is also an enthusiastic advocate for the recognition and conservation of Australia’s geological heritage and also for a new natural history museum to be built in Canberra to showcase Australia’s unique animals and plants. Since official retirement, Phil has had more time to continue with these interests including geological heritage consultancy work, lecturing on cruise ships and valuing fossil collections as an approved valuer under a Government scheme.
Phil has honours and master's degrees in geology and palaeontology from ANU in Canberra. Currently he is an adjunct senior lecturer at the University of NSW in Sydney as part of the team working on fossil sites in Australia and New Zealand. The main focus of the team is the origin and evolution of Australia’s unique animals.
Phil was born in England but has lived most of his life in Australia.