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Peel, Isle of Man

The Isle of Man holds the singular honor of being the only nation registered as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. This autonomous Crown Dependency takes pride in its own parliament, the Tynwald, rooted in a thousand-year-old lineage. The Manx people, having their exclusive Gaelic dialect and a history of governance by an array of Scandinavian kingdoms from the 11th to the 13th centuries, are today British citizens. The island is a sanctuary for a diverse spectrum of wildlife, and its terrain is untamed and rugged, yet remarkably suited for farming.

Isle of Man Journey
Commence a picturesque drive to the island's southernmost point, The Sound, one of the most visually stunning locations in the British Isles. Your expedition carries on to Castletown, which served as the capital of Mann until 1869. Here, you’ll witness the formidable Castle Rushen (from the outside), one of the sterling examples of medieval fortresses in the British Isles. Enjoy a photo stop at Tynwald Hill, home to the world's oldest continually operating democratic parliament since 979.