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Vulaga, Fiji

Vulaga Island, (sometimes spelled "Fulaga" is on Fiji's far southeastern edge and is a part of the Southern Lau Group of islands.​

Vulaga is known for its traditional handicrafts such as woodcarving, weaving, and decorative woven ropes. The people here are also highly skilled in the production of outrigger canoes and are specifically known for their carved, wooden bowls which are used in kava (known in Fiji as Yaqona) ceremonies.​

​The island and its lagoon area also famous for crystal clear water and healthy coral. Mushroom-shaped rocks rise out of the water and dot the lagoon in many places.

​Life is peaceful here and the islanders are known for their hospitality and friendliness. ​

​ *Snorkeling​
*Visit to local village and cultural exchange