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Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer, France

Tucked between the towns of La Ciotat and Bandol lies an idyllic stretch of the Cote d’Azur where three tiny harbors have merged into one community. Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer is conjoined with the Vieux Port de Les Lecques and the Nouveau Port de La Madrague.  The rocky coastline here is backed by pine forests and renowned vineyards, and in summer Les Lecques attracts bathers to its two-km sandy beach.  Coastal footpaths invite you to explore in both directions. The eight-km path eastward toward Bandol includes breathtaking views at Pointe Grenier and a picturesque tiny beach at Port d’Alon.  The Fregate Golf Club offers 18-hole and nine-hole courses with panoramas of the sea and the island of Embiez. In Saint-Cyr itself, explore the Musée de Tauroenton displaying relics from a local Roman villa, and visit the Place Portalis with a gold-plated smaller replica of the Statue of Liberty donated by the original sculptor Frédéric Bartholdi. Further afield lie Cassis and boat rides to view the Marseille calanques.